Tonight we had a Family Home Evening! With all the office missionaries (6) plus Torgersons and us (4) and most of the recent converts from the branch and a couple of investigators, we had at least 25 people here. We felt the love of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We showed "Reflections of Christ" and Elder Oliver handed out copies of the 13 Articles of Faith (in Spanish). He asked various people to read and tell the meaning of the first three Articles of Faith. We played a couple of games, really funny games (en cargo de los misioneros), and then had brownies and vanilla ice cream. Everyone loved it.
We gave Idalba, a recent convert who doesn't read, a set of disks of the Book of Mormon. I asked her if she had something to listen to them on. She said yes. Then she cried. I have seen such a change in her since she was baptized. She smiles with her whole countenance. Her brother is now investigating, I think he has a baptism date set. Hna Veronica and her brother Hugo were here. Veronica has been a member since the early 80's. She said she has received many, many blessings and her children as well. (They were 2nd generation!) Hugo, her brother was baptized last month after he came to live with her. And Paola and her husband, Luis, were here. Paola was baptized in April (the night of the big storm). They are wonderful. And Francisca with whom we have visited (at her home). Jaime and Blanca were confirmed today. They have been investigators for about 11 months. They were married and baptized last Wed. (there was some problem with her papers). Jaime taught the investigator class today. Sharon and her grandmother, Gloria, are "old" members; Gloria has been a member a year and Sharon for 2 years. Sharon is 16 and very enthusiastic about the gospel and missionary work. She made Lizeth, 12 (Idalba's granddaughter) and David, 15 (Jaime and Blanca's grandson) feel comfortable. David passes the sacrament each Sunday & I didn't realize until tonight that he is Blanca's grandson.
We also had the 4th temple preparation class this afternoon. There were 14 there (besides Elder Oliver & I). The branch is planning to go to the Bogotá temple in July. It will take a whole day (or night) to get to Bogotá. I will ask President Prince if we can go. I was even able to say in Spanish "No podemos salir la misión sin su aprobación." "We can't leave the mission without his approval."
I have a date to teach the Young Women to make brownies. It's a good thing Liz sent me the recipe. I might need the recipe for Wacky chocolate cake as well (with no e
ggs) since the brownies takes 4 eggs per batch.
Nos acostamos. We are going to bed! Buenas noches.
Elder & Hna Oliver