Actually, I think we live up another little canyon. The red brick buildings in the center look similar to our apartment complex. There are three buildings in "Montefiori" with a locked gate and a gateman, "guardia", on duty 24/7. The Torgersons live in the next building over. Since we live in a little canyon, we get a nice canyon breeze. The windows have no screens so we have to close them when we turn on the lights in the evening, but we can open them again when we turn off the lights. It is raining today so it is a little cooler but the temp always seems to be in the 70's or maybe around 80. It is 20 degrees C. (68 F) this morning, last night it was 25 C.
It looks so beautiful! Makes me miss South America :) Love you! Everything here is fine, don't worry.