The end of the orginal Colombia Cali Mision is approahing. The goal is 600 baptims before the mission is divided 1 July. It is a 4 month goal and includes last month´s 151. 600 would pass the previous 4 month high for the mission of 500.
The President gave special training on the subject to all missionaries. We attended the Cali training. I may have mentioned the goal previously. This week the office sent flyers to all bishops and branch presidents to get their help with the goal.
Paula whom we met at home evening and later on the street where she was selling a yummy deseret will be baptized Weds. evening. We had three non members in church Sunday.
We made an effort Sunday to learn the names of the members and volunteered each other
to the branch presidency to do some teaching. We made suggestions about what the other would be good at. Colleen brought up temple prep and I mentioned piano. They have a pianist for Sacrament but use CD´s in Primary.
We also joined in a group effort to locate some of the less actives. The ones we were assigned to visit no longer live at the address on the records or the address doesn´t exist. But we did give a lesson to the mother of one of the members. (plan of salvation). She has been a widow for many years.
We want to help reach the goal and start a new chapter.