Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Family Home Evening

Monday night we held our first FHE with investigadors and new members. We had been waiting on furniture to do it and it turned out great. A spiritual night.

The logistics were a challenge. We had three sets of missionaries involved not counting 2 senior couples. Each of the companionships was assigned to bring one or two of the attendees. We set the time for the FHE at 7 pm and as a result we were all out in cabs picking up investigadores during the peak of the evening rush hour. To top it off there was a big soccer game than night and the member we went to get lives close to the stadium. Despite the challanges we all arrived. I think the total was 19. There were ten missionaries, one 16 yr-old who has been a member for most of his life, two recent converts and the rest either have baptismal dates or are waiting for the paperwork to get married to set their date.

We began with a get acquainted activity. Then we watched the slide show made by Mark Mabry, the photographer who did the book and video called Reflections of Christ. He also did one called "Another Testment" about Christ´s visit to America. We used "Another Testment", then the four senior missionaries shared a favorite scripture from 3 Nephi and their testimony. We invited the guests to share their thoughts about Christ and some of them did. Elder Oliver gave a promise that we will have the strength to conquer our challenges as we read the Book of Mormon and pray daily.

We then served Sister Oliver's great liquado and pastries we bought at a panaderia. It was a special experience. The missionaries are anxious to do it every week. In the future we want to include some less actives that we have met. Our bare white walls are good for projecting videos. You can watch a video clip at . We heard about it from Steve and Amelia and brought the video with us.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds wonderful! We will have to watch some clips tomorrow night, I was thinking of watching some of the Easter ones from too. Tonight Steve is gone on a trip and we read STORIES... 15! would you believe Johnny was begging for ONE MORE as he was getting in bed... At that point it is a stalling tactic and he gets a book on CD... :)
    I hope your FHE nights continue to be a success!
